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Weaver Referral Program,Referral Program | Weaver Exterior Remodeling Barrie Ontario


Get Amazon gift cards for referring family, friends, neighbours,
colleagues, and connections (see details below)

This program is designed to reward you, our satisfied customers. Referrals and word of mouth are a big part of our business. We know that when customers like you have a great experience, you share your experience with people you know.

There are lots of reasons why people refer good businesses to each other: they want to save them time and money, they want to save them headaches from choosing a bad company, and they feel good about helping others. But we wanted to give you one more good reason to tell people about Weaver Exterior Remodeling!

How The Weaver Reward Program Works

  • You refer people to us – tell them about us.
  • Share your referral via the online form.
  • We follow-up with the person.
  • If the referral results in a billable job, we will provide you with an Amazon Gift Card.
  • $150 Amazon Gift Card will be provided for home improvement projects of $2,500 – $4,999
  • $300 Amazon Gift Card will be provided for home improvement projects of $5,000 or more

Here Are The Details

  • Weaver Customer Referral Program starts on June 1, 2020 – referrals from this date forward will be eligible for this program.
  • Eligible Referrals are referrals given for any of our services that result in a paid home improvement project for more than $2,500 before taxes.
  • Weaver holds the right to discontinue this program at any time.
  • Weaver holds the right to provide alternative gift cards, certificates, or electronic equivalent at any time.
  • If you have any questions about The Weaver Referral Program please don’t hesitate to email us at sales@weaverexterior.ca or call us at 705-725-4977

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